How To Put Direct Mail Marketing To Work For Your Business
In order for a direct mail marketing campaign to be effective you should see new customers, a return of old customers or an increase in repeat customers. Additionally, you should realize bigger returns on your direct mail campaign investment. If you structure your campaign more effectively you will increase the odds of your direct mail campaign being successful.
By recognizing who your potential customer is, you can tailor a campaign to both generate new customers and bring back repeat customers. Maybe it means offering an incentive to buy from you again, or offering a discount for new customers you want to attract. By understanding exactly what you want to accomplish with your mailing, you can better structure your campaign and pinpoint your audience.
Here are a few suggestions to consider:
When you send a newsletter packed with valuable information to existing or potential customers, you might see new business. Make sure the information is timely, relevant and really useful to your reader. Focus on creating a professional publication and you will have found a lasting, successful marketing tool.
This is still one of the best ways to attract new business. The lure of the free item, especially one perceived as valuable, will result in people sharing all kinds of useful information you can utilize. Information such as their opinions, interests and contact information which can be very important for personalizing future campaigns. Try tying in your free offer with an up-sell for higher ROI.
Direct mail marketers can utilize various types of formats, such as postcards, booklets, self-mailer, envelope packages, catalogs and more. With so many choices, the best way to determine which format will appeal to your target audience, is to “test the waters”, so to speak. You can assume that a postcard would be best for a retail mailing…or a #10 package would be best for a B2B mailing…but you really don’t know for sure until you get a campaign in the mail and track results.
When your goal is to engage your customer and start a conversation, a professional, targeted and strategically-designed direct mail marketing campaign is still one of the best ways to accomplish that goal.
Source: Ryan Cote